Tuesday 19 October 2021 - dark, gloomy and wet Melbourne afternoon, stuffed to the gills after eating too much for lunch.
I was reading an article written by the amazing Christina Hobbs from Verve Super and it reminded me of quite a few fabulous feminist financial resources - so I thought I’d round them all up into a post for anyone that might be interested. We will also be kicking off our podcast (stay tuned) and finance will definitely be a theme that is explored!
Tomorrow money - A First Nations organisation with tools and resources for Indigenous Australians to manage and create financial wellness
Verve Super - A superannuation fund targeted to women with great support and advice (declaring interest here - I’m a member!) - Four ways to be a financial feminist
Greg Jericho articles for the Guardian - he builds some fantastic evidence and The Government must wake up to the fact that COVID-19 has hurt Australian women more and You can’t hide from the numbers Australian women earn less than men in any job
Criterion Institute - they are amazing, all of their resources blow my mind, but I particularly like that they explicitly acknowledge power in the creation of their work, as well as the content of what they are trying to deliver. This is a feminism in practice. I particularly liked Disrupting fields: Addressing power dynamics in the fields of climate finance and gender lens investing
WIRE intersectional feminist resources - I love everything that WIRED does and shout out to the amazing Zuleika Arashiro and her amazing work on financial resources for international students, migrants and people with a disability
Financy - an organisation to improve financial wellbeing of women